Sunday, March 5, 2017

talk about just finding out!!!

The latest early morning (like, REALLY early) fast food-fueled flights of fancy/fantasy out of Mar-a- Lago (aka White House South) are full of shocked, righteous indignation that the Obamma administration wiretapped the Trump Tower.  TERRIBLE!!!  Where does this so-called President Obamma get off threatening the integrity of the very sacred election process.  Gee whiz.

Well, DUH!!!  Of course Obamma wiretapped lyin', little donald trump.  My first question would be: how was little donald able to tell the difference between an Obamma wiretap and all the other wiretaps that were and are in place?  You know; all those from other evil entities intent on dragging the donald further down into the mud that he's already slopping around in.  I'd be surprised to learn that there are anything less than a dozen American law enforcement agencies who are listening in on Trump Central a/o other Trump Tower tenants.  And that's just the American agencies.  Who can even hazard a guess as to how heavily wired for sound the Russians have managed to make the Tower's infrastructure?

You might wonder at the laxity of security standards which Team Trump had employed if it's taken this long to figure out that someone had been listening in.  But that can be a topic of conversation for another day.

My second question would be: why hasn't lyin', little donald found out that Obamma is guilty of far worse that the wiretapping nonsense?  Whyinhell hasn't l.l.d. outed Obamma on the egregious abuse of Presidential power when he took his family off on a super-expensive weekend junket on the taxpayer dime?  This is the REAL SCANDAL!!!

I have it on very good authority that, back in early December, Obamma packed Michelle and Sasha and Melia into the super secret Stealth version of  Air Force 1 (aka Air Force X to those with sufficient security clearance).  After a quick trip to Kenya to pick up some family photo albums, he flew the whole crew to Mars and back over the weekend.  They even shopped at the biggest Martian souvenir superstore and bought tshirts and postcards.  They couldn't actually mail the postcards from Mars because the USPS hadn't finalized its service to and from the Red Planet quite yet.  This sort of a jaunt really dwarfs the tens of millions of dollars the taxpayers are shelling out every weekend to shuttle the Trumps and his crowd of fawning toadies and sycophants back and forth between the Beltway and Florida.

But don't think for a second that it's pure coincidence that it was the RED Planet that the Obammas jetted off to.  Here's some proof positive that it's Obamma who's been in bed with the Russkies.  Not lyin' little donald.  I'm pretty sure that Breitbart will be picking up on this one very soon.  And, from there, the sky's the limit.

We have fallen into the unhappy position of being at the mercy of  a madman with a smartphone, a madman who's apparently awakened routinely and early by a complaining prostrate.  Instead of going back to bed after his little tinkle (like anyone with an ounce of common sense would do) he seems to think it's a good idea to transcribe his latest fantasies for public Twitter consumption.  We're talking about a guy who'd rather tell you a lie than steal your tax return or your girlfriend.  And that's saying something when you consider lyin' little donald's penchant for getting his little hands on other people's money and women he's never or barely met.  I think that we can expect ever more and more lies coming out of Palm Beach or DC or wherever he's having his little early-AM tinkle.  Buckle your seatbelts; it ain't gonna be pretty.  Entertaining?  Oh yeah.  Infuriating?  Almost certainly.  But pretty?  Not by a far sight.