Monday, January 23, 2017

thank you kellyanne. and to you, too, sean spicer.

I wrote a couple of days ago that I couldn't wait for Kellyanne "Con Artist" Conway to show her perpetually smiling face on the TV feed.  I was really hoping that I'd see more of her patented deliveries of assorted praises for crooked, lyin', little Donald.  I realize that picking on her for sporting that heinous RW&B overcoat on Inauguration was almost as lame as her wearing the damn thing. Thank the Lord that she didn't disappoint me for too long.

She showed up on Sunday's Meet the Press where she sparred with Chuck Todd over the difference between facts and "alternative facts".  If you don't know already, you can probably guess which of those she was touting.  I'll hand it to her, though.  She almost managed to keep that phony pasted-on smile in place after Chuck Todd suggested that she was full of it.  She's like that inflatable clown which keeps popping back up after taking one square to the jaw.  And the smiles are damn similar.

I saw her again today, back in the national spotlight even if she was relegated to a spot on the sidelines for Sean (of the Brain Dead) Spicer's second attempt to conduct an orderly meeting with the press corps.  His first shot came on Saturday and, even if Kellyanne gave him high marks for his "alternative facts" on MTP, most reviews were less than positive.  Loaded to the gills with direct orders from the throne, Sean blasted the media for doing its job.  I'll be interested to see how often this nonsense is going to show up.

Mr. Spicer did better today in his first official press briefing.  Saturday must have been his first official tongue lashing.  But he sank to the depths of the truly pathetic when he tried to justify CLL Donald's psychotic preoccupation with his bloated sense of self worth.  Spicer took the press to task again, if more gently, for depressing little Donald with its reporting.  How can that constant barrage of negativity help but make The Boss a wee bit defensive?  Can't you people try to say something nice once in awhile?

This poor Donald BS is advanced in deference to the feelings of the most obnoxious, arrogant, rude, crude, overblown, dismissive, bullying blowhard in American public life.  Why can't you just be nicer to him?  This is very close in it's pathetic quotient to Kellyanne's wondering aloud why people can't just ignore little Donald's boorish behavior and trashy mouth and propensity for putting people down and instead detect the goodness of his heart.  Jeez.  Wonder why?

As I write, we're on the eve of Day 5 of the Trump regime.  I hope that the next 1,400+ won't be any more toxic than than the first 4.  Somehow, though, I'll be surprised if that's how it all plays out.  I sense that the worst is yet to come.

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